It was my friend Mariana's birthday and being portuguese she invited us out to a Portuguese restaurant for her birthday dinner. Typical dishes include a lot of Cod and a lot of Pork. (And also other seafood seeing as it is a coastal country).
Despite the fact that portuguese people can understand spanish almost perfectly I can not understand a single thing that is said in portuguese. It is much more closely related (at least in sound) to Romanian! The first picture is everyone at the restaurant. Including 6 Portuguese, 2 Greeks, 2 Americans, 1 Taiwanese, and 1 japanese! Fairly Diverse crowd. Unfortunately I was sitting on the portuguese side of the table so they were constantly having to translate what they were saying for me!
3.)Mika is sad in the picture because she is always the last person to get her meal!
4.) Why not get a picture with the Arc and the birthday girl! She is very pro-european union and she was happy to see that the french had not only an enormous french flag but also an enormous EU flag hung under the arc. But unfortunately my camera wasn't behaving so you can't really tell and it gave everyone red eye!
5.) horay for the two americans!
6.)Mariana and for lack of greek spelling Jennifer.
7.) 2 portuguese and 2 greeks Joel, Joanna, Mariana, and Jennifer
8.) Mariana, Me, Diogo, and Joel (#2)
sorry the pictures got all mixed up and the captions don't exactly line up... but I'm sure you can figure it out!