Saturday, December 20, 2008

Home again home again jigity jig.

Hey I haven't really had time to update in the past few week because of tests and other events were going on. mass chaos and cold cold rainy weather.

But I made it back-barely I was THE last person on the plane they literally closed the door behind me and the guy I sat next to had the nerve to mention a rude comment that he had been sitting on the plane for a long time. Yeah I got to the airport 3 hours before the flight left too mister. I think with the strike the day before a lot of people had missed their original flight and opted to leave on mine-but I made it. 

I home. I've had some Zaxby's and Waffle House already! Life is good.

I'll try to post some pictures of our disney trip when I find the time...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


If you could spare a few prayers. I would appreciate some being thrown my way! I am trying to conquer the overwhelming homesickness as I get closer to being able to return home/holiday season-ness PLUS I have a couple papers and projects due the last week of school that I need to not procrastinate on doing- I have a plan, now I just have to stick to it! And on top of the work I want to go experience french christmas time. 

so recap:
-that I can overcome my growing homesickness for the next two weeks
-that I can efficiently get my work done- no procrastinating and doing it well!
-That on top of that I can find time to sleep-and actually fall asleep.

Monday, December 1, 2008

What's the good word?

Sporting our team colors and being optimistic before the game.
Us with our american Cheeeezebergurs. 
yum! the burger was enormous.
sad matt stafford.
(there was some confusion on the score)

Who knew that you could watch the Tech vs uGA game in Paris? Not me until this weekend! But I got to watch the whole game live! (horay for it being an afternoon game!) I witnessed every amazing moment of it! Unfortunately there was no sound so we made our own amusing commentary... such as they cover the sad faces of the georgia fans and the cheerleader desperately holding up her defense sign.