So it has been a week since I last updated, sorry about that but my internet has been a little shady this past week and if you reading this it means my 8th attempt at this post has finally gone through (although blogger is blinking red saying this will most likely fail grr) Anyways quite a lot has gone down since my last post. Miranda came through town with Katherine and we did touristy things in Paris, and then Katherine and I skipped off to LE mont saint michel last weekend for some touristy things outside of our respective cities.

Miranda and I on top of the tower of Montparnasse. Looking out over paris towards the Eiffel Tower.

Miranda's got jump skillz.

Inside the tower Montparnasse- they had really cool lights.

Miranda and katherine were excited to see the louvre and Mona.

They can float over water.

Photos from the strike they are holding signs for CGT the largest communist party in France.
Breaking News! Apparently some disgruntled workers have taken their boss hostage!
THIS is LE Mont Saint Michel. Built in 708 AD it is like traveling back in time (well if you edit out the village of tourist shops. But it is surrounded by a Bay that in high tide the water would cover the whole area and make it and island. But we visited at low tide so the water you see is a river going out to see.

It even has a draw bridge- something I find awesome. My house will have a draw bridge- right next to that Louis the 15th architecture.

Me and in the background you can see the sandy bay all the way to the ocean... it's somewhere out there.

The shadow

Katherine is being a pilgrim- they always were hunched over right?

it is like a desert

we decided to personify falling rocks

ANTM here we come!

Me and my traveling buddy

This statue is a copy in silver of what the statue in gold is at the top of the monastery. It is the arch angel Michel slaying a demon.

The little church in the village had beautiful stained glass windows. The colors were so vibrant. Much different than Saint Chapelle but I think these might be a lot newer. Reminds me of the beginning of Beauty and the Beast. A movie I've been thinking about a lot actually- maybe it is that whole france thing.

Katherine is the keeper of Sunsets.

Soccer anyone?

Katherine's favorite spot in france. Ended up that her train was at 4:30 and she spent about 6 hours at the train station- in the little town of Pontorson which we decided was stuck circa world war 2. The whole weekend was time travel. Definitely not the big cities we're used to! I think the town where our BnB was had a population of 30 tops.