I spend Sunday in Dijon with Katherine and some Australians (Clare, Briony, and Kate). We took the sleepy city by storm-Sundays in France means no one is doing anything!! Some of the pictures are being cut off if they are landscape instead of portrait so you can click on them to see the whole thing or use the link for picasa to see all the pictures.

The owl marks the path to see the sites.

Pretty view of a church from the top a tower. I really like the patterned roof.

They really liked gargoyles on this church

We took a moment to have a mini ballet class.
More (maybe better : ) pictures of Dijon here on Picasa!)
Saturday Was an absolutely gorgeous day so my friend Ashley and I headed to the southeast of paris to see Chateau Fontainebleau, the weekend home of French Royalty through Napoleon III. It is a really cool castle and they allow you to see all of it and it has been kept in great shape.

One of the bedrooms. Sorry it is a little blurry. But I see can some inspiration coming here for my next dorm room.

Me in front of the castle

One of the room's ceilings.

The library of Diana

Then we went outside and had a picnic a swan swam over to visit. I don't know why this picture came out smaller. I did crop it-but I was hoping that it wouldn't shrink it like that!
We found another fountain with more swans and they wanted to eat out of the palm of my hand but I was a little afraid-especially since I didn't have anymore food.

Check out that blue sky!

we ran into some friends from school and joined their picnic.

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